Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why I Was Qualified For The Position - 855 Words

Prior to this assignment I have always been preoccupied with concerns over what variety of technical questions I was going to asked. In my mind the entire purpose of the interview was to determine whether I was qualified for the position. I have come to understand that an interview is a two way discussion. When it comes time for the position and salary negotiations the steps I used to prepare are the same I would use to enter an agreement on the sale of a product or service; the difference here is that I am the product. To get started on my portion of the negotiation I listed out my best possible scenario was. For me I was looking to get $50,000, late starts, 3 weeks of vacation time, and the woman of my dreams. Understanding this was the least likely of all scenarios I then created a list of the worst possible outcome. While it may seem that the obvious worst outcome would be no offer in preparing I realized that this was not a good metric to use in my negotiation.To determine what I wanted I decided that experience was worth more than money, but that I requred vacation time, and insurance. Going into the negotiation I decided that any range between $27,000-$40,000 would be acceptable because experience at this point was the most valuable. Part of negotiation is trying to understand what the other party is looking for. In this case I can understand that the organization is looking for the highest quality candidate, at a fair wage, and to have them be up to speed in theShow MoreRelatedA Case Study 7.2 Karla, African American Salesperson And Case Study Study 7.3 Karla1097 Words   |  5 PagesIdentify surface problems, Step 2: Ask Why-Why to get root problem, Step 3: Generate solutions, and Step 4: Take action or make recommendations. Provide solid support for those recommendations. 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